Isana Veksler-Lublinsky, PhD
Senior Lecturer Dept. of Software and Information Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, BGU 2012 - PhD at the Dept. of Computer Science, BGU 2017 - Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Massachusetts, Medical school, Ambros Lab About me email: [email protected] |
Shani Cohen
PhD Student Co-supervised by Prof. Lior Rokach (Dept. of Software and Information Systems Engineering, BGU) Research subject: Deep and machine learning for prediction of sRNA and their targets MSc thesis title: Machine learning for optimization of bacterial strain typing Thesis paper Co-supervised by Prof. Lior Rokach (Dept. of Software and Information Systems Engineering, BGU) and Prof. Jacob Gilad-Moran (Dept. of Health Systems Management, BGU ) |
Eyal Hadad
PhD Student Co-supervised by Prof. Lior Rokach (Dept. of Software and Information Systems Engineering, BGU) Research subject: miRNA target prediction using advanced machine learning techniques |
Tal Malul
PhD Student Co-supervised by Dr. Shimon Bershtein (Dept. of Life Sciences, BGU) Research subject: Evolution of gene families |
Shaked Tayouri
MSc Student Co-supervised by Prof. Rami Puzis (Dept. of Software and Information Systems Engineering, BGU) Research subject: Adversary Resilient Sequence Alignment For Detection Of Select Agents |